Chilli seed germination

An update

Since my last post, the Habanero Maya red Chilli seeds have germinated. That gives me a 100 percent germination rate for  seed  starting  for the 2022 season. In a second round of seed starting of superhots, I planted Dorset Nagas, Bengal Nagas, Moruga Scorpions and Dorset Zingers. The seeds were started about nine days ago.

In line with most superhots, I expect germination in a further week or so.  Superhots take about two weeks to sprout.

Two other Chillies that I planted with the superhots are not quite in the same heat ratings league. These Chillies are the Green Trinidad  and the Bellaforma.  I planted them with the superhots to compare germination rates between mild and hot Chillies.

Guess what?  Both already germinated. My Trinidad Green seeds took about a week. The Bellaformas followed a day or two later.  Both were taken out of the heated propagator and are now under grow lights for 16 hours a day.  The seedlings are in open trays. They are not covered (see note below).

Mild Habaneros?

The Trinidad green and Bellaforma are interesting Chillies. Both are Habaneros, which you would expect to be hot Chillies. In their instances, however, the reverse applies. The Bellaformas Scoville rating is only about 700 SHU. The Green Trinidad has an approximate Scoville rating of about 3000 SHU. These Scoville ratings make these Chillies very mild indeed. By comparison, Jalapenos have a SHU of between 3000 and about 8000. Bell peppers are rated at zero SHU

When considering that more well known Habeneros, like the Orange Habanero, have a Scoville rating of approximately 350000, it becomes clear this variety of Chilli is a mixed bag. They can range  from very  mild (as above) to even hotter varieties  than the orange Habanero.  Okay, certainly not as hot as most of the superhots I have started for next year, but quite hot all the same. On the hotter end of the scale, Habaneros, like the Red Savina, clock in at about 577 000 SHU. Most of the Superhots I planted have Scoville ratings of over one million SHU.

As with The Zavory Habanero, these Chillies are ideal for Chilli lovers who like the taste of Habaneros, but don’t enjoy their mind-blowing heat.  Habaneros have a sweet and fruity flavour that pairs well with fruit like mangoes and oranges. They are used extensively in making hot sauces, jams, sauces, spicy drinks, and for cooking in many other dishes.


It is essential to remove any covering you might have had over the seedlings as soon as they have sprouted. Keeping them covered can expose them to diseases that lurk in warm, moist conditions, like a heated propagator.  Keep them warm and moist, but out in the open and well ventilated. They will love you for it!

Image credits

K. L. Gaffney / CC BY NC 2.0 / via Flickr

Stefano / CC NY NC SA 2.0 / via Flickr

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