Curried chicken recipes

Chicken curries

The allure of curried chicken is undeniable. With its rich blend of spices, tender meat, and aromatic sauce, it’s a dish that captivates food lovers around the world. Whether you’re a curry connoisseur or a curious beginner, the world of curried chicken offers endless possibilities for culinary exploration. Today, we’re diving into the delicious realm of curried chicken recipes, exploring various styles and techniques to help you create mouthwatering dishes at home.

For many home cooks, the idea of creating a perfect curry can seem daunting. The intricate balance of spices, the fear of overwhelming heat, and the quest for thatRecipe for making base cury sauce restaurant-quality taste often lead to hesitation. But fear not! With the right guidance and a little practice, you’ll soon be crafting curries that rival your favourite takeout.

As we journey through various curried chicken recipes, we’ll discover the unique characteristics of different curry styles. From the creamy indulgence of Chicken Tikka Masala to the fiery kick of Chicken Vindaloo, each recipe tells a story of flavours and traditions. We’ll also share personal anecdotes and cooking experiences, making this guide feel like a friendly chat with a curry-loving neighbor. So, preheat your stove, gather your spices, and let’s embark on a tasty adventure into the world of curried chicken!

What makes curried chicken truly special is its ability to adapt to various culinary traditions while maintaining its core essence. Each region has its own unique take on this beloved dish, incorporating local ingredients and cooking methods to create something truly extraordinary. From the coconut-infused curries of South India to the aromatic biryanis of the Middle East, curried chicken serves as a delicious canvas for cultural expression. By exploring these diverse recipes, you’ll not only expand your culinary repertoire but also gain a deeper appreciation for the rich tapestry of global cuisine.

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Lamb Kheema Roll Recipe

Lamb kheema, also known as keema or qeema, is a popular Indian dish made from ground or minced lamb meat. Its origin can be traced back to the Indian subcontinent, and it is a traditional part of Indian cuisine. Kheema is a versatile dish that can be prepared in various ways, with regional variations in spices and ingredients.

The term “kheema” or “keema” is derived from the Persian word “qeema,” which means minced or ground meat. This influence likely came through the historical interactions between the Indian subcontinent and various Persian and Central Asian cultures.

Kheema can be prepared as a dry dish or with a gravy base and is often used in various recipes, including keema curry, keema samosas, and keema pav (a popular street food in India). It’s a flavourful and spicy dish that is enjoyed by people of all ages across the Indian subcontinent and in Indian communities around the world. The spices and seasonings used in kheema can vary by region and personal preferences, making it a diverse and adaptable dish within Indian cuisine.

It pairs exceptionally well with soft, fluffy bread rolls, often referred to as “pav” in India. When served with bread rolls, it’s known as “keema pav.” The combination of flavourful minced lamb and freshly baked bread rolls is a popular street food and a favourite among many. You can also enjoy lamb kheema with various types of Indian flatbreads such as roti, naan, or chapati. The combination of the savoury kheema and the soft, warm flatbreads is a satisfying meal. Read more

Lamb Handi

Flavourful and succulent

Lamb Handi is a popular dish in the Indian subcontinent, particularly in North Indian and Mughlai cuisines. The term “handi” refers to a traditional clay pot or vessel that was historically used for slow-cooking and simmering curries and stews. This method of cooking in a clay pot imparts a unique flavour and aroma to the dish.

The origins of Lamb Handi can be traced back to the Mughal period in India.The Mughals were a dynasty of Mongol origin that ruled a vast and influential empire in the Indian subcontinent from the early 16th to the mid-19th century . They

were known for their lavish and flavourful culinary traditions, introduced various dishes that are still enjoyed today. Lamb Handi likely evolved during this time, combining the Mughal cooking techniques and spices with regional Indian ingredients and flavours.

Their cuisine  had a significant influence on the development of modern Indian cuisine, and many of its dishes are still enjoyed in India and other parts of the world today. The use of aromatic spices and slow-cooking techniques continues to be a hallmark of Indian cooking, and Mughal culinary traditions have left a lasting impact on the culinary heritage of the Indian subcontinent.

Over the centuries, the dish has evolved and adapted to regional preferences and ingredients, resulting in various regional variations. It’s a cherished dish in North India and is prepared with slight variations in different parts of the country, each reflecting the local culinary influences and ingredients.

To embark on a culinary journey that captures the essence of North Indian cuisine’s rich heritage, allowing you to savor the flavors of an authentic and succulent Lamb Handi, follow this straightforward recipe:
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Tofu curry

Creamy and rich

Step into the vibrant world of Indian cuisine, where an explosion of flavours awaits in every mouthful of this Tofu Curry. This recipe marries the tender succulence of tofu with the rich tapestry of aromatic spices and a harmonious blend of curry powder. It’s a culinary symphony that balances textures, tastes, and cultures, promising a dining experience that transcends borders and tantalizes the senses.

In this Tofu Curry, the tofu takes centre stage, transformed into crispy, spice-coated nuggets that play in perfect harmony with the sumptuous curry base. It’s a dish that caters not only to vegetarians seeking a hearty, satisfying meal but also to culinary adventurers eager to explore new dimensions of flavour.

From the moment the spices hit the hot pan, releasing their intoxicating aroma, to the finishing touch of creamy garam masala, this recipe invites you to embark on a sensory journey, a culinary pilgrimage to the heart of India. As you savour each bite, the intricate blend of textures and tastes will mesmerize your taste buds, creating a memorable dance of sweet, savoury, and spicy notes.

Whether you’re a seasoned cook or a novice in the kitchen, this Tofu Curry invites you to share in the magic of Indian flavours. It’s a dish that brings people together, transcending cultural boundaries and creating a warm, inviting space at the table. So, join us as we unlock the secrets of this delectable Tofu Curry, and prepare to be transported to a world where every bite is an adventure, and every meal a celebration of the senses.

So lets put on our aprons, take out the spices and Tofu and step into the exotic world of rich and comforting Indian food. Lets make Tofu curry

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Goan food

Some background

In 1510, the Portuguese conquered Goa. The Portuguese general responsible for the conquest, Alfonso d’ Albuquerque, had been tasked with creating a permanent settlement in Gao. This was seen as necessary in Portugal, as the Portuguese wanted to protect their control of their  lucrative spice trade. Before this, the Portuguese had been under attack by various coalition groups. The groups, including the Arabs, Venetians, Egyptians and the Ottomans, wanted to wrestle control of the European spice trade from Portugal. The Portuguese resisted and sent different armadas to the region. Finally, after a series of battles, the Portuguese gained the upper hand in the region.

The time had come to create a permanent settlement in the area to protect their interests. Realising the Portuguese needed a port city as a capital, General d’ Albuquerque captured Goa from the Sultan of Bijapur.

With the capital in place, Albuquerque started creating infrastructure. He created infrastructure, including setting up the first mint in Goa, and a school for settlers. To gain favour with the local population, he lowered taxes. The scene was set for the Portuguese colonisation of Goa, which was to last for over four hundred and fifty years

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How Chillies arrived in India

How long have Chillies been in India?

Not many people know that Chillies, which are virtually indispensable in Indian cuisine, have only been used in Indian cooking for just over five hundred years. Before Chillies were introduced to India by the Portuguese, Indian cooks used mainly Pippali (aka also known as Indian long pepper) to provide pungency to curries. To a lesser extent, they also used black pepper). Before then, Chillies were not known in India.

However, it didn’t take long before Chillies surpassed Long Pepper to become the country’s favourite spice. Today, no Indian cook would even think of trying to make spicy dishes without them.

But this didn’t just happen. There is a lot more to the story. For the Portuguese to introduce Chillies to India took some doing. It required the support of monarchs, a lot of fighting with foes, a great deal of money and enormous determination. It wasn’t that getting the Indians to enjoy Chillies was difficult – it was almost written in stone, they would. The tricky part was for Portugal to find India in the first place. The route to India was a well-kept secret that the Arabs and Venetians weren’t quickly going to divulge. India was where they got many of their spices, and they had a monopoly on the spice trade into Europe. Why would they want to make it easy to get to the source of what made them an awful lot of money?

But the Portuguese were determined to find a route to the spices. At the time, they were one of the smallest, yet greatest seafaring  nations in Europe. They remained steadfast in their resolve to find a way. And find it, they did.    How the Portuguese found India is a story of intrigue that requires delving into the history of spice as a whole. It goes straight back to the beginning of colonialism.

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