Great recipes to make tasty home made hot sauces that are far better than store bought

Recipes with Chillies
Home Cooking with Chillies When it comes to cooking with Chillies, stating there is a wealth of recipes to do this is no exaggeration. Because they have been eaten by millions of people every day for hundreds of years, dishes using Chillies have over time been discovered, developed and refined to some of the best… Read More

Health benefits of Chilllies
Chillies are good for us Besides being an awesome spice, Chillies are also good for us, with great health benefits. They are loaded with vitamins and other compounds essential to our good health and well-being. One of the key elements of the Chilli that gives it its health-giving properties is a substance called capsaicin. This… Read More

Growing Chillies
Growing Chillies is fun Growing Chillies is one of those hobbies that is hard to tire of. There is always something new to learn. Be it trying out new varieties or experimenting with different growing mediums, Chilli growing is great fun and personally rewarding. There is just something about watching Chilli seeds bursting into life and… Read More

History of the Chilli
Pastry gingerbread wafer powder oat cake carrot cake sugar plum macaroon. Donut toffee tart jelly pudding. Candy canes caramels macaroon cookie dessert macaroon soufflé cake.

Chilli varieties from A to Z.
Home From African devil to ……. It is absolutely amazing how many different types of Chillies there are in this world. The variety of colours, shapes, sizes and heat intensities seem almost endless. Indeed, there are Chillies to cover every single letter in the alphabet from A to Z . Starting with the African Birds-eye… Read More

Drinks with Chillies
Cheers You will be surprised how adding just a little Chilli to your favourite drink gives it just a bit of “Je ne sais quois”. One would think, “Okay, that works with drinks with a savoury theme”, but what about the rest? No problem, Chillies are so versatile that they can be combined with wines… Read More