The Scoville Heat Scale

Measuring Spicy Heat

The Scoville Heat Scale, developed in 1912 by American pharmacist Wilbur Scoville, stands as the most widely used method for measuring and comparing the heat of chillies and spicy foods. This scale quantifies spiciness in Scoville Heat Units (SHU), providing a standardized way to understand and communicate the intensity of different peppers. From mild bell peppers to scorching hot Carolina Reapers, the Scoville scale offers a comprehensive framework for categorizing the vast spectrum of pepper heat.

Image: Wilber Scoville
Professor Wilber Scoville

Wilbur Scoville’s original method was surprisingly subjective. It involved diluting a pepper extract until its heat was no longer detectable by a panel of tasters. The amount of dilution required determined the pepper’s SHU rating. This process, while groundbreaking for its time, relied heavily on human perception, which could vary significantly between individuals.

In modern times, the science behind measuring Chilli heat  has evolved considerably. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) now provides more accurate and objective measurements. This technique detects and quantifies capsaicinoids, the chemical compounds responsible for a pepper’s heat. By using HPLC, researchers can determine precise SHU values without relying on human taste buds.

The Scoville scale spans an impressive range, from the mildest Chillies at 0 SHU to the most extreme at over 2 million SHU. This vast spectrum allows for detailed categorization of peppers and spicy foods, making it an invaluable tool for culinary professionals, gardeners, and spice enthusiasts alike. The scale’s wide adoption has not only standardized how we discuss pepper heat but has also sparked a global interest in pushing the boundaries of spiciness, leading to the development of increasingly hotter pepper varieties.

Louisiana hot sauce

A Rich History and Unique Flavour

Louisiana hot sauce is more than just a condiment—it’s a culinary tradition that brings a burst of flavour and heat to any dish. Whether you’re a seasoned hot sauce aficionado or a curious newcomer, there’s always something new to discover about this fiery favourite. In this article, we’ll delve into its history, introduce well-known brands, and offer tips on how to enjoy Louisiana hot sauce in your meals.

Louisiana hot sauce boasts a rich history dating back to the early 20th century. Known for its simple yet bold ingredients—aged Chilli peppers, vinegar, and salt—it creates a tangy, spicy flavour that enhances many dishes.

Avery Island, the birthplace of the iconic Tabasco sauce, is central to this history. The McIlhenny family began producing Tabasco there in 1868, thanks to the island’s unique salt dome and ideal pepper-growing climate. Today, Tabasco is still made on Avery Island using the same family recipe and traditions.

In the early 20th century, the McIlhenny Company sought to protect its “Tabasco” trademark when B.F. Trappey’s Sons, Inc. began using the name for their hot sauce. The court ruled in favour of McIlhenny, affirming their exclusive right to the “Tabasco” name. This landmark case emphasised the importance of trademark protection and brand identity.

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The Difference between Chiles and Chillies

Chiles or Chillies ?

In the vibrant world of culinary arts, few ingredients are as universally celebrated and revered as the humble Chili pepper. These fiery fruits, known for their distinctive heat and complex flavours, are a staple in kitchens around the globe. However, a common point of confusion arises when discussing these spicy delights: the terms “chiles” and “chillies.” Are they different types of peppers? Do they come from different regions? Or is it simply a matter of spelling? Understanding the nuances between these terms can enrich our appreciation of the diverse culinary traditions that embrace these peppers.

At first glance, the difference between “chiles” and “chillies” might seem trivial, a simple variation in spelling. However, this variation reflects deeper cultural and linguistic histories. The distinction can tell us a lot about the peppers’ journey from their origins in the Americas to their widespread use in cuisines across the world. These peppers have travelled far and wide, becoming integral to dishes that define national cuisines and local flavours. Exploring these terms not only deepens our understanding of the peppers themselves but also of the rich tapestry of culinary practices that celebrate them.

The terms “chiles” and “chillies” actually refer to the same plant, but the difference lies in regional spelling variations and cultural context. These variations reflect the rich and varied histories of these peppers, from their origins in the Americas to their global spread and integration into various cuisines. Let’s dive deeper into the spicy world of peppers to unravel the distinctions and discover how these terms are used in different culinary landscapes.

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Introducing Prices Spices

Award winning producer

Michael Price of Prices Spices is an entrepreneur in his 40’s, who has distinguished himself in the Chilli scene within the United Kingdom by achieving no fewer than 27 Great Taste awards and two Foodie awards. Amongst the many Great Taste Awards, Michael also achieved the top accolade of a Golden Fork award from the Guild of Fine food in 2021. He was also the 2016 winner of the new business category from the Leamington business awards.

Great Taste awards are awarded to only the very best foods (including sauces) in the United Kingdom( and other countries around the world) .  They are awarded by the Guild of Fine food after a rigorous judging process in which the sauces are blind tested by elected chefs, cooks, buyers, retailers, restaurateurs, food critics and writers.  The judges consider the texture, appearance of the product and quality of ingredients. They also take aroma and bite into consideration, but of paramount importance is the taste of the      products.

Similarly, the Foodie Awards are a food and drinks awards program for Coventry and Warwickshire to celebrate the makers, creators and providers of excellent food, drinks and hospitality experiences. Micheal’s award falls under the Artisan food producers category which  as Foodie awards put it ” recognises an artisan food producer who really does have the wow factor”

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Are Chillies good for us ?


Picture of a healthy women looking at a healthy Chilli

Tasty and also healthy?

Are chillies just spicy in our food, or are they also good for us. Can they also be healthy? This interesting question asks if chillies are more than just adding flavour. It makes us wonder if they can also be good for our bodies. It’s like asking if chillies have a secret superpower. We all know they make our food taste fantastic with their spicy flavour. But could they also have some special benefits for our health? It’s worth finding out if there’s something extra special about chillies that goes beyond making our meals tasty.Image Red Chillies with tape measure

For a long time, people have thought that chillies might be good for us. They have a special compound called capsaicin that researchers have studied a lot. Capsaicin is the compound  found in the pith of Chillies that gives them their heat   They’ve found that capsaicin might help with things like speeding up metabolism, helping with weight loss, keeping our hearts healthy, reducing pain, and even making us feel happier. But what does all this mean for our health?

Join me as I embark on an enlightening exploration into the realm of chillies and their potential impact on our overall well-being. Within the confines of this journey, we shall dig deep into the intricate nuances of these fiery fruits, pondering upon their multifaceted effects on our physical and mental health alike. As we travel through the corridors of nutritional science, we shall unravel how  nutrients and special compounds that reside within these humble pods unlock vitality and vigour.

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Spicing up Valentines day

Ignite Your Valentine’s Day

Are you looking to have a Valentines day this year that will impress your Chilli lover better half ?  Look no further.  In the world of culinary delights and epicurean adventures, there exists a hidden gem capable of reigniting the flames of passion and injecting your Valentine’s Day with an enticing zest—chillies. These vibrant peppers, famed for their fiery heat and intricate flavours, possess the ability to elevate everyday meals into extraordinary encounters, but their magic stretches far beyond mere cuisine. With their aphrodisiac qualities and sensory charm, chillies provide a unique avenue to ignite the spark of romance and add a flavourful twist to your love life in unexpected ways on this special day dedicated to love.

Envision a romantic Valentine’s Day dinner date, bathed in the soft glow of candlelight, where every dish is infused with the subtle heat of chillies. As you and your partner exchange lingering glances across the table, the spicy flavours act as a symbol of the passion simmering between you, injecting an element of excitement and adventure into your theme evening.

So, if you’re seeking to kindle the flames of passion and infuse your Valentine’s Day celebration with a touch of spice, look no further than the unassuming chilli. Whether enjoyed in the kitchen or savoured during an intimate dinner, chillies possess the power to transform ordinary moments into extraordinary experiences, leaving you and your partner yearning for more.

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Chillies and heat waves

Stuck in France

Sometimes when growing Chillies, the strangest things happen. And that is exactly what happened to me this season.   My Chilli growing season was following a normal pattern, and then disaster struck. Half my Chillies died. This wasn’t due to any mistakes I made, but rather due to what life throws at you.  Let me explain.

When my wife and I went to Bordeaux in France for her birthday, we had no idea what was waiting for us.  We had gone to the region to visit wine estates when a we were hit by the unexpected.  What was supposed to be a relaxing one-week holiday, eating fine French cuisine and drinking good wine in sunny France, turned into a nightmare. We caught COVID-19.

In France, the regulations dictate that when you get Corona virus disease, you must mandatorily self-isolate for seven days. In our case, it struck down my wife first. Three days later, I too became infected.  That was it. It meant we were stuck in the country. We had no choice but to follow the rules. A holiday that was only supposed to have taken a week landed up with us being holed up in a hotel room for ten days, with reception and room service being our only connection to the outside world.

Before leaving for France, had I known that we were going to be away for so long, I would have been more careful to ensure my plants had more than enough water to survive longer. Particularly because I knew that the United Kingdom was in the throes of a heat wave. Temperatures were predicted to be well over 30 degrees Celsius for the period. Unfortunately, I didn’t. There was no way to predict what would happen.

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The Dr Trouble Chilli sauce story

In search of adventure

Upon his arrival in Africa during the late 19th century, Robert Alexander Fletcher, a Scottish cartographer seeking adventure, unknowingly laid the foundation for one of Africa’s premier chilli sauces. The genesis of Dr Trouble Chilli sauces can be traced back to Fletcher’s experiences in Zimbabwe and the unique journey that unfolded.

Initially employed by the infamous British colonialist Cecil John Rhodes, Fletcher embarked on a mission to map the territories colonized by Rhodes, collectively known as Rhodesia. Armed with just a rifle, salt, and a flint, he and his assistant traversed the African bushveld on horseback, relying on their hunting skills to procure sustenance from the wild. Survival also meant depending on the numerous streams and rivers for water.

During his extensive travels, Fletcher received a gift of chillies from an African tribal leader. These chillies, likely of the African Birds-eye variety, may have reached the region through trade with Arab or Portuguese merchants. Fletcher, envisioning possibilities, retained some of these chillies as seeds. It’s plausible that, in the heart of the African wilderness, he experimented with combining these chillies with wild lemons and salt to enhance the flavour of the meats grilled over open fires.

Upon returning home, Fletcher cultivated the seeds and delved into refining the knowledge acquired in the bushveld. His experimentation led to a meticulous process, including sun fermentation, resulting in a chili sauce that satisfied his discerning palate. The rudimentary recipe for this unique concoction was recorded on the back of a notebook, marking the genesis of the renowned Dr Trouble Chili sauces. It was the start of bigger and better things to come

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Making sauces with Aji Amarillo

Peru’s favourite Chilli

Aji Amarillo is a great tasting Chilli that is massively popular in Peru, where it is used to make many Peruvian dishes like Ceviche (marinated fresh seafood), a Papa a la Huancaina (a potato dish with a spicy sauce) and Causa Rellena (a spicy layered potato dish). In addition to these dishes, Peruvians also make hot sauce with Aji Amarillo. They also use it to make a dipping sauce that is served with roast chicken, french fries, boiled potatoes, and fried plantains.

Recently, I bought some Aji Amarillo Chilli paste.  I intend to make a few Peruvian hot sauces and the dipping sauce mentioned above. Usually, I would want to use fresh Chillies to make my sauces, but seeing as this Chilli growing season has only just started, that will be out of the question. At the moment, the Chilli paste will just have to do for now.

The Aji Amarillo paste I will use is authentic and was made in Peru. Indeed, it is even thickened with Tara gum.  This is a thickener uniquely Peruvian. It is an alternative to Guar gum and is made by grinding the endosperm of seeds from a tree native to Peru – the Tara tree.

Because the paste is already thickened, I will only need to add other ingredients like vinegar, garlic, onions, salt and spices to make the hot sauces.  I might also add a bit of Chilli powder and a sweeter sugar to balance the flavours. I aim to make the hot sauces carb friendly and sugar free by using Xylitol or Erythritol. The dipping sauce does not need to be sweetened

The dipping sauce combines sour cream, feta cheese, Aji Amarillo Chillies and citrus to make a creamy sauce that is great for serving with various dishes. It is also fantastic as a dip for a snack table, where it can be eaten with potato crisps, nachos or flat breads

Okay, so let’s make some Aji Amarillo sauces!

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Are Malagueta & Piri-Piri Chillies the same?

Solving the mystery

The Piri Piri or African devil is one of my favourite Chillies. It has great flavour and has a hot, pleasant bite. It is used among many other uses in cooking to make Portuguese favourites, like Piri-Piri chicken, prawns, sauce and Piri Piri oil. It is a favourite in South Africa, Angola, Mozambique and many other Portuguese speaking parts of the world.

One thing that I have always found fascinating is the relationship between the Piri- Piri Chillies and the Malagueta Chillies from Brazil. I have known they are distant cousins, but which came first? The Malaguetas or the Piri- Piri. There is no doubt the Portuguese who introduced the Malaguetas to Africa, but where did they encounter Malaguetas for the first time? Did they find them in Brazil when they discovered the country, or was it somewhere else?

To answer this question, I decided to do some investigation. I put on my detective’s cap. Chief inspector Morich was on the case. It was time to solve the mystery of the Malaguetas and Piri- Piri Chillies. And what an investigation it would turn out to be!

The first thing I investigated was what the similarity is between Malaguetas and Piri Piri Chillies. I wanted to find just how close they are. After all, Chillies grown in different environments (even if they start the same) may develop different qualities. They may differ in taste, size, and pungency. Was this the case with Malaguetas and Piri- Piri Chillies? I certainly wanted to find out.

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