Ghanaian Sweet Chilli sauce has a great taste but also has a great story. It is made by a social enterprise that has the welfare of Ghanaian school children at heart. These great people ensure that Ghanaian Chilli farmers are given seeds, paid a fair price for their Chillies and given access to agricultural education. In return the farmers need to commit to the condition that no school children are taken from school to work on their farms.
In doing so, the children are given a better chance of getting an education and thus a way of escaping the extreme poverty that would otherwise have awaited them.
The Chillies are exported to Scotland where they are turned into fine Chilli sauces by expert Scottish artisan producers. These guys certainly are right up there with the best.
Using my three rating system I arrived at the the following scores for an overall rating of 4.5 out of a maximum of 5 points
Made by Schoolyard Chillies
Whilst referred to as a sweet Chilli sauce, I did not find it unduly sweet. The sauce is a perfect combination of salty and sweet and sour notes, with a pleasant bite in the background from the Chillies. Ghanaian Sweet Chilli sauce goes very well with steaks, chicken, cheese, eggs and hamburgers. It is also great as a dipping sauce.
Whilst not scoring 100% in each category, in my opinion , it deserves an overall score of top marks