Dragon slayer sauce review

This great tasting sauce combines Birds-eye and Habenero Chillies with a tangy base made with cider vinegar, tomato paste, ginger, garlic, mustard and spices.

Using my three rating system I arrived at the the following scores for an overall rating of 5 out of a maximum of 5 points (Okay, I know it didn’t get full marks for everything, but I still give it top marks)

Image: WCT fDragon slayer
Made by the Warwickshire Chilli Tree Co





It is great for serving with barbeques and  it combines particularly well with char grilled foods.

Whilst not having tried this myself, the makers of Dragon Slayer claim that it is great with fish and chips. Sounds good to me!

I would rate it right up there with the best for flavour and and piquancy