Spicy steak sauce

Spicy steak sauce

Making a great steak

Ever been tempted to try a spicy sauce in packet or bottle for steaks?  We have probably all bought and  tried this type of sauce, never mind simply being tempted to try them.  The thing is, they never taste as good as they appear on the packaging. Some are pretty mediocre at the least.

Why not make your own?  Spicy steak sauces are easy to make, and once you have tasted them, you will never go back. Follow these tips, and you be making restaurant-style sauces in no time at all

It is no use having an excellent sauce unless the piece of steak you are serving it with is of a good quality as well.  Buy the best you can afford, and rather go for smaller cut rather than bigger pieces that are tough and sinewy. Make sure that the meat is at room temperature when you start cooking. This will make it so much easier to cook it to the required doneness, and then rest afterwards. Resting can take a minimum of ten minutes, so if you want to eat a warm steak after it has rested , it is best not starting off with cold meat.

While these tips are for a spicy Chilli sauce, they can also make other sauces like pepper or mustard sauce. All that is needed is to replace the Chillies with the other spices ( or if you want to experiment, make a combination of them).

Things you will need for a good sauce
  • Some butter – about a tablespoon for each steak
  • Cream  - between 100 and 150 ml for each steak you will be frying
  • Steak – at room temperature
  • Beef stock – just a little ( break off a little when you need to add it).
  • Red Chillies – one to two per steak ( chopped)
  • Chilli flakes –  ½  teaspoon per steak ( Use a mild flake like Allepo)
  • Tomato puree – about an eighth of a teaspoon per steak
  • Worcester sauce  - a quarter of a teaspoon per steak
  • Wine – enough to deglaze the pan
  • Black pepper and salt – to season
  1. Heat the butter in the pan until it starts foaming
  2. Add the steaks
  3. Fry the steaks to the preferred doneness. Remove from the pan and allow resting.
  4. Saute the Chillies for a minute in the same pan
  5. Deglaze the pan with a little white wine
  6. Add the cream to the pan
  7. Now add the stock, Worcester sauce, tomato puree and Chilli flakes
  8. Stir Well
  9. Turn up the heat. Allow the cream to heat until it reaches a high, steady bubble. Take off the heat immediately. Taste for seasoning. Add salt and pepper to taste
  10. Place the steaks back in the pan and coat them with the sauce
  11. Serve immediately while still hot

Enjoy !