Roast pepper salad – Italy


Italian roasted pepper salad

Insalata di pepperoni arrosto
Nutrition Information
  • Serves: 4
  • Serving size: 260 g
  • Calories: 391
  • Fat: 35 g
  • Saturated fat: 5 g
  • Unsaturated fat: 25 g
  • Trans fat: 0 g
  • Carbohydrates: 12 g
  • Sugar: 0 g
  • Sodium: 146 mg
  • Fiber: 5 g
  • Protein: 3 g
  • Cholesterol: 0 mg
Recipe type: Salads
Cuisine: Italian
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This great-tasting salad not only goes well as an antipasto but is also fantastic on bruschetta ( Italian open toasts). In this recipe, sweet peppers are roasted until chargrilled and then combined with a great dressing with Chilli flakes, olive oil, garlic, capers and vinegar for a fantastic taste sensation. Buon appetito
  • Sweet peppers – one kilogram ( Red and yellow)
  • Garlic – two cloves ( minced)
  • Extra virgin olive oil – ½ cup ( see note *)
  • Red wine vinegar ½ cup
  • Capers – one tablespoon ( optional)
  • Chill flakes – one teaspoon
  • Basil – for garnishing
  • Salt – to taste
  1. Roast the sweet peppers by holding over an open flame or in the oven ( see note **)
  2. Once the skin of the peppers is blistered and charred, put them in a glass bowl covered by a plate or cling film for minutes.
  3. Mix the remaining ( see note) olive oil with the capers ( if using), garlic, pepper flakes, red wine vinegar and salt. Taste. If too acidic add a bit of sugar ( see note)
  4. At this point, the peppers should be cooled enough to handle. Remove the skins. Removing the skins should be easy as the steam from the covered bowl will have loosened them.
  5. Cut the peppers open and remove the seeds and pith
  6. Slice the pepper into strips
  7. Pour the dressing over. Garnish with basil leaves
  8. Serve immediately or can be refrigerated until needed.
  9. Great on its own or served on bruschetta
* If roasting peppers over an open fire, the quantity of olive oil needed is only a third of a cup

**For great guide to roasting peppers follow this link

This recipe yields 4 - 5 portions

Keywords: Italian roaste pepper salad