Main courses

Cooking with Chillies. Main courses

Chilli gateway

This section is the gateway to various ways in which chillies are used in a variety of categories. Learn how chillies are used around the world in various countries, by meal type including breakfast, brunch , lunch and dinner.  Also use this  section to navigate to recipes by main ingredients such as poultry, beef, seafood, lamb, cheese, seafood and  beans and pulses. If you are on a diet or have a dietary preference click on the tab to find some great recipes which will meet your requirements. Finally if you want to use Chillies for a barbeque, you have come to the right place. Find some  fine recipes for barbequed chicken, ribs and sausages right here.

Categories of main courses

International recipes
Meal type
By main ingredient
Barbequing with Chillies
Making sausages
Dietary preference